This is an android version of Unfortunately the Python Imaging Library is not available for android and so all the image processing has to be done in python and is very slow. Nevertheless the app runs on a Samsung Galaxy S2 tablet and would be usable by people who want to try it or restore a few important pictures. The user interface is experimental; there are three buttons; the one marked "list" opens a file browser and one can select a single image file to restore; the button marked "open" displays the image. The default directory is "/sdcard/Pictures" which exists on the two tablets I have checked.. The "restore" button starts the processing. There is a progress bar to give encouragement that something is happening and the result is displayed at the end. The "swap" button allows one to compare the original and restored versions. The restored picture is put in subdirectory "restored" off the original one. If further picture are restored the "swap" button cycles through all the pictures.